Community Brands

Communitary Brand is a tool to strengthen people’s interest in their community. A commitment to demonstrate the value of interrelationships and joint work in the pursuit of common goals.

This mark represents the process of strengthening the ties between the inhabitants of a territory. A brand that, in addition to being an identity symbol, can be used as the source mark of products, cultural activities, sports and all processes carried out in the community.

The value and power of community dynamics to promote development processes, or rather, to improve the quality of life from what the community defines as “better” is everything.

Augusto De Franco, a Brazilian who is passionate about local development, speaks in several of his books – Democracy Literacy (2007), New visions about society, development, the internet, politics and the glocalized world (2008) Communities that develop multidirectional capacities to communicate to their inhabitants versus those that are not, is abysmal.

That is to say, if a community has different problems and these are a brake to get to the point that the community wishes, we will have enough reasons to analyze whether or not there are spaces of participation, how is the socialization dynamics between the settlers and what is the level Of belonging to the environment seen from the physical and from the symbolic.