Uva Vaca.

Who am I? I am on a journey of living adventurously, learning independently, embracing freedom, stepping into the world with trust, contemplating profound questions, exploring magical realms, finding meaning in life, reconciling with impermanence and uncertainty of the future and recognizing that exploration can be internal as well.

Spanish | Native
English | Professional working proficiency
Portugese | Working proficiency
Italian | Limited working proficiency
Chinese | Elementary HSK3


  • WHO Stellis roster, Certify as a Country level advisor | Infodemic manager.
  • UNDP Express roster as ROSTER PROFILE/DEPLOYMENT ID (RREF) 12291487 with the post title of SURGE Communications Advisor, pre-classified grade of P3/P4.​

Work Journey | 2011- 2023

I’d like to provide a brief overview of my background. Since 2011, my passion has revolved around communication, design, and research, particularly delving into how communities consume and share information and finding effective ways to communicate through design. If you like gossip, click here for the detailed version

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Throughout my journey, I’ve explored a diverse range of audiences, initially focusing on indigenous and Afro communities in rural areas, studying how they pass down ancestral memory. My research extended to urban settings, investigating the consumption of cinema among citizens, and delving into the information habits of rural farmers, particularly their use of private messaging platforms like WhatsApp.

Expanding my scope across Latin America and various age groups, I examined how information is structured and how communication methods evolve with software development. Transitioning into the tech field, I delved into UI/UX , data visualization and editorial design.

My journey took me to Silicon Valley, where with my beautiful former company, I conducted research on user behavior, user interactions, and bot-human communication via private messaging. Social research for Ai, ML , design software application with the partners for elections in India and the Philippines. Subsequently, I spent time in China studying information consumption patterns, app usage, and market studies. (Pause, Covid leading me to an unexpected 3-year stay in Laos.) During this period, I conducted parallel research on content moderation, data annotations, and ML language training with my former company. Recognizing a significant gap between software development in major companies and the daily app usage of Southeast Asian rural communities, I decided to make a career switch.

I immersed myself in Social Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) for conservation, analyzing the social media habits of indigenous communities. I explored the structuring of TikTok campaigns for wildlife conservation. Simultaneously, I worked as a Human-Centered Design Director for a project for the Laos government and the World Bank, focusing on carbon bonds and the inclusion of rural communities and stake holders engagement. I investigated how communication processes are structured among ethnic minority communities and act as a liaison for the project with government and local authorities.

After Laos experienced its worst-ever burning season, I returned to Colombia in April of this year with my two cats to rest and recharge, prioritizing my physical and mental well-being and seeking the embrace of family love.
As I navigate this process of reconciling with uncertainty and impermanence, my ultimate goal is to find a job that allows me to integrate the diverse elements I have explored over the past 12 years: studying resilience in communities after a climate event, magic, indigenous ancestry, art, conservation, technology, design and my biggest passion, research.

I aspire to shape an optimistic nihilist vision of the future by combining, studying resilience in communities after a climate event, magic, indigenous ancestry, art, conservation, technology, and design, with my extensive experience in communication and a steadfast commitment to core values such as environmental responsibility, social justice, gender mainstreaming, and equity. Throughout my work in various fields across North, Central, and South America, as well as Southeast Asia, I have gained valuable expertise. However, I still do not know much about the future and how AI will shape the new ways we make art and communicate.